God Is Great 186: The Lord Calls Samuel

On this episode the crew covers 1 Samuel chapters 3 and 4 with a talk about being able to serve God no matter who you are, a case of mistaken calling, Eils family gets God’s judgement, the ark falls into enemy hands, and more.

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

Send feedback to samcastfeedback@gmail.com or comment on the post below

Going Through Who 9.5: Resurrection of the Daleks

On this episode the crew covers Resurrection of the Daleks with TARDIS turbulence, a mysterious prisoner, clever trooper uniforms, a gap in writing, duplicates showing up, and the departure of a companion.

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/gtw

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Send feedback to: goingthroughwho@gmail.com or comment in the post below!

music by ThePantychrist

Artwork by Baniee

What’s Your Passion 17: Chris Marquardt

On this episode I get to talk to Chris Marquardt about his journey in professional photography from it’s beginnings all the way to writing books and doing photo tours around the world.

Nominated Charity:

Find Chris at

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/wyp

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Send feedback to: samcastfeedback@gmail.com or comment in the post below!

music by Musicincloud.com

Artwork by Kevin Draper

God Is Great 185: Eli’s Worthless Sons

Editors note: Despite the audio this is really episode 185..I had a moment again…

On this episode of GIG the crew covers 1 Samuel Chapter 2 with Hanna’s heartfelt prayer, talking about having things together, Elis sons make a fake tradition, and a curse is placed upon their entire bloodline.

To find previous episodes go to  tscn.tv/gig

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Theme song by Danny Lewis

Artwork by Kevin Draper

Send feedback to samcastfeedback@gmail.com or comment on the post below

Going Through Who 9.4: Frontios

On this episode the crew covers Frontios with a rearrange of a hat rack, a crucial moment in history, a annoying leader, the hat rack has other uses, Turlough gets to shine, and a blocking of signal saves the day.

On this episode the crew covers Frontios

To find previous episodes go to: tscn.tv/gtw

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Send feedback to: goingthroughwho@gmail.com or comment in the post below!

music by ThePantychrist http://www.youtube.com/user/ThePantychrist?feature=watch

Artwork by Kevin Draper

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