God Is Great 145: Miscellaneous Laws…Again

On this episode of GIG the crew covers Deuteronomy 25 with how the laws weigh up against grace, how many stripes would actually kill a person, letting oxen have a snack, a very Monty Python like rule about brothers passing away, and interesting methods by old time con men with weights.

Continue reading God Is Great 145: Miscellaneous Laws…Again

Going Through Who 7.5: Nightmare of Eden

On this episode of GTW the crew covers Nightmare of Eden with a very strange crash, insurance claims, an interesting projector, a monster out of nowhere, running down stairs multiple times, bad police work, why Samuel adores this story, and the twist of who the bad guy was. Continue reading Going Through Who 7.5: Nightmare of Eden

God Is Great 144: Divorce Laws and More

On this episode the crew covers Deuteronomy chapter 24 with some talk on divorce at the time, an argument on the topic that Jesus dealt with, some points about millstones, a warming on leprosy, rules about loans, rules on wages, and some harvesting rules.

Continue reading God Is Great 144: Divorce Laws and More

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