Samuel’s Thoughts episode 35: Being Happy With Yourself

Samuel's Thoughts


On this months episode I give a health update on a little upgrade to my routine that had me a bit sore to start out with, get distracted by interference of my adorable little cousin, realize I deal in reality content, and talk about being happy with yourself no matter what.

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One thought on “Samuel’s Thoughts episode 35: Being Happy With Yourself”

  1. Thank you for this. I really needed to hear this. Part of my process of just being myself is owning up to it when I’m not okay. I tried for a long time to live up to a certain image of being strong and stable. Sometimes I get caught up in all that I’m not and neglect to look at all that I am. I’m too hard on myself. So thank you for reminding me that God made me the way I am because I can give something to the world that no one else can. No one else can be me. 🙂

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