Tag Archives: Doctor Who

Legos and Doctor Who


Lego is considering Doctor Who

                Fans everywhere supported the idea of Doctor Who legos and after getting 10,000 supporters, Lego will review a Doctor Who set.  While this doesn’t mean a Doctor Who set will come out with such a huge fan base it certainly stands a good chance.

Lego had this to say about it.

“We’re looking forward to considering this project in the LEGO Review, but for now excuse us while we go make an electroshock device … just in case this really IS a Nestene plot to take over the world via a toy factory! We now officially advance this project to the Review phase.

What happens now?

This project moves from the Idea stage to the Review stage. A “LEGO Review Board” composed of designers, product managers, and other key team members will examine the idea. We’ll build concept models and determine if the concept meets our high standards for what it takes to be a LEGO product. This includes factors such as playability, safety, and fit with the LEGO brand. Every potential LEGO product goes through a process like this and must meet the same standards.

This project qualifies for the Second 2014 Review beginning in May and ending in September.

The review is a thorough process and from its start, and can take several months. When finished, we make a “go/no go” decision to develop and sell a product based on the Doctor Who concept.

When the review is complete, we will inform you of our decision. If green-lit, this project goes into the longest phase of the project; the Development phase. During this time, LEGO model designers refine the product and develop it for release, we create the product materials (box, instructions, marketing), and get everything ready for a production run. This also takes several months.”

Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN

Will River return to the Doctor?

River Song

Will River Return?

So we say River Song say her goodbyes in The Name of the Doctor, but we also saw her die and yet we saw her several more times after that so does that really mean this is the end of River Song? Steven Moffat teased every River fan with this comment.

“It’s always down to whether there’s a good story. My immediate instinct was that story’s probably done. Not that we saw all of it, but I never thought we should see all of it. I’m slightly tempted, because I imagine Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston would be absolutely hilarious together…” and then went on to say “Or is the new thing that Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston would be very sexy together? Is that enough? We’ve always had fun with the fact that they don’t look like a couple. Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston would look like a couple – that’s the thing. Whereas I thought Matt and Alex were gorgeous together, but it looked slightly strange, because he was so much younger.”

Hopefully this is not the end of River since she has a whole book of adventures with the Doctor to pull from.  She is clearly a character of great significance to the Doctor and a memorable character it would be nice to see her come back and see what kind of onset chemistry she could make with her hopefully third Doctor.

Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN


McGann made a Quick Decision


McGann made a quick decision for the 50th

Paul McGann explained that in his appearance in the mini episode Night of the Doctor that he only had a moment to decide to be the Doctor once more. McGann had this to say.

“It was a quick decision. Steven Moffat got in touch and said ‘If I were to write it, would you do it?’ I asked could I think about it and he said ‘Think about it now… because we want to do it next week.’ I had such a quick decision to make and I’m glad, because sometimes when you do things quickly, it’s better.”

“I felt when I arrived in Cardiff that [Moffat] had probably written it the day before. That was the only gap he had, on that Sunday, because they were trying to finish the big 50th. We arrived and it was next to the set of the 50th and [the actors] had all left. They’d had the party the night before and they’d all just left. We arrived the next day and shot the mini-episode.”

It was a good thing that he did because it was amazing finally seeing the 8th Doctor on screen again and get a much needed regeneration scene. We also got to see McGann’s doctor look because what some fans don’t know is the original look was chosen by the directors and he was required to wear an uncomfortable wig.  This time he got to pick his own style which I felt in combination with all the audio dramas he did since the Doctor Who movie, made him a much more confident and entertaining Doctor. The only problem is that probably means this is the last time we’ll ever see the 8th Doctor. Well at least we can enjoy his audio dramas as they still continue.

Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN

New Companion for Doctor Who


New Companion for Doctor Who

                Since Peter Capaldi’s Doctor will have nothing to do with romance in the slightest it looks like a new character will fill that role for our impossible girl Clara Oswald.  Samuel Anderson will play as Danny Pink a teacher at Coal Hill School like Clara.

How they plan to introduce his character, and what his character will offer to the show has yet to be determined but it is possible that this new character will play a romantic interest for Clara to fill in the gap that has been left for romance fans everywhere when the Doctor left his boyfriend material status behind.

This isn’t the first time two teachers have traveled alongside the Doctor. The original companions Ian and Barbara were teachers of the Doctor’s granddaughter before they stepped in the Tardis and their lives changed forever.

Anderson had this to say about the role. “I was so excited to join Doctor Who, I wanted to jump and click my heels but I was scared I might not come down before filming started,” he continues by saying, “It’s a quintessential part of British culture and I can’t believe I’m part of it. It’s an honour to be able to work alongside Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman and I can’t wait to show people how my character becomes involved with such a fantastic duo.”

So get ready whovians a new companion is coming which will hopefully add a lot to the cast of characters. Let’s just hope he doesn’t keep dying and coming back like Clara and Rory. I think we’ve seen enough characters that won’t stay dead.


Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN

Doctor Who can come to legos

Doctor Lego

Doctor Who can finally come to Legos

                Fans of Doctor Who and Legos had to deal with the fact that Legos could not develop any Doctor Who based sets due to licensing conflicts. Well fans can finally rejoice as they can now submit any Doctor Who ideas to Lego Cuusoo without any issues.

Already people have started submitting ideas such as the Tardis, the Doctor, and even K9. While nothing is official at least we know ideas can now be submitted so we can hope to see  Doctor Who planets, machines, characters, and enemies out of the addicting lego blocks.

Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN

The 12th Doctor, selling coats like crazy

12th Doctor Costume

The 12th Doctor, Selling the Crombie coat.

With the reveal of Peter Capaldi’s outfit in Doctor Who, fans all over instantly  noticed the comparison to the Jon Pertwee’s, 3rd Doctor, outfit.  Fans everywhere were excited to see not only Capaldi’s take as the Doctor, but also the tribute to his Doctor that he watched when he was younger.

Then people started to notice the Crombie coat Capaldi was wearing. Even though he has yet to appear in this outfit fans are already heading to Crombie’s stores in London, Manchester, and Edinburgh to pay 800 pounds for their coats. The more devoted fans are paying upwards of 3000 pounds to get the red silk lining you can see on the inside of Capaldi’s coat.

Sells for their coats increased by at least two fold with over half of the recent purchases made with the more expensive red silk lining. So while fans are still waiting for Doctor Who, they are enjoying the fact that they can at least look like him with his fashionable coat.

Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN