This message will self destruct in 3..2…1..

IBM helps make self destructing technology

Last year the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced plans to build technology that could at some point self destruct. With this idea in the planning stages IBM decided to help with the project by giving DARPA a $3.45 Million contract last month.

This actually has a lot of interesting, and devastating uses. The original intent of the project is to be used for technology that would be on the battlefield. If the technology were to fall in the hands of an enemy it could easily be exploited to either spy, detect, or harm others. With the use of this technology a simple command would cause a silicon chip in the device to dissolve thus rendering the device unusable.

This is good, but with technology being so handy and constantly coming out with new models this technology could also be used to make technology unusable after so long to promote customers to keep buying new models when they come out.

So this has a lot of potential to be used for good, and bad purposes, but with the technology still in development it’s impossible to tell for sure where this will go in the end. One this is for sure this message will self destruct in 3…2….1….

Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN


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