Will River return to the Doctor?

River Song

Will River Return?

So we say River Song say her goodbyes in The Name of the Doctor, but we also saw her die and yet we saw her several more times after that so does that really mean this is the end of River Song? Steven Moffat teased every River fan with this comment.

“It’s always down to whether there’s a good story. My immediate instinct was that story’s probably done. Not that we saw all of it, but I never thought we should see all of it. I’m slightly tempted, because I imagine Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston would be absolutely hilarious together…” and then went on to say “Or is the new thing that Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston would be very sexy together? Is that enough? We’ve always had fun with the fact that they don’t look like a couple. Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston would look like a couple – that’s the thing. Whereas I thought Matt and Alex were gorgeous together, but it looked slightly strange, because he was so much younger.”

Hopefully this is not the end of River since she has a whole book of adventures with the Doctor to pull from.  She is clearly a character of great significance to the Doctor and a memorable character it would be nice to see her come back and see what kind of onset chemistry she could make with her hopefully third Doctor.

Jacob Carpenter is the writer for TSCN.TV and also a blogger under the name JSnakeC on IGN


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